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After my last blog, I got into considerable trouble with some superiors at “my company” for mentioning the name of “my company” at the same time that I mentioned that I was the editor of our latest manual for “the aircraft that we are currently marketing.” I also mentioned the fact that I have never built “said aircraft” myself. I guess a particular internet alert system picked up the name of “the company” and broadcast my blog page to numerous unnamed investors who follow the company’s every move. My company heads were afraid that the investors would not be pleased that someone as unimpressive as I am had edited the manual. I didn’t get in trouble for actually editing the manual. In fact, my company heads knew I had never built an aircraft when they asked me to edit the manual. The fact that I was reporting that the FAA had approved the manual didn’t seem to matter. The fact that we have a quality department who had also gone over the manual with a fine-toothed comb didn’t seem to matter. I was reprimanded for being “unprofessional” by mentioning it on my blog page and my boss’s boss sat next to me while I took out that paragraph. So, for this reason, I have had a sour taste in my mouth whenever I have thought of blogging. My apologies to all of you who have wanted to hear from me.
Things are pretty slow now at work. My company paid me $108 today to play Free Cell and read my book. We have only sold one aircraft a month for the last three months. The economy has been so bad that getting investor money has been like pulling teeth. Paychecks have been late several times during the last few months. I am wondering if there will be a paycheck today. With Wes’s job problems, too, I am worried about my future income stream.
I stayed late on Wednesday night because there was yet another winter storm raging that had snarled traffic and closed roads all along the Wasatch Front. Because I had heard that the freeway was so slow, I tried to go home via Redwood Road. That was a mistake. After half an hour, I had only made it to 500 South (from 1300 South). I turned around and came back to the office, thinking I could surely find a better way to use my time.
My art lessons are going great. After my art class last semester, my teacher offered to give me private lessons. I have been going for an hour and a half every Tuesday evening after work. I drew some “three dimensional” heads for the first couple of weeks and then started on a picture of a kitten sitting by a bowl of cream. My teacher told me last night that she thought I could sell my drawing for $600. That was a shocking compliment.
I have been tending Isaac for Danae every Sunday morning for the past several weeks, so she can attend church without the constant distraction of trying to keep him quiet. Anyone who knows Isaac knows that he is not the type to “hold still and be quiet.” We have a good time together and it has really been fun to spend more time with him. He is the cutest little boy. What a personality!
I have finished the Harry Potter series on tape yet again. I love those stories and have listened and read them over and over. I think this must be the fourth or fifth time now. I am also reading The God Delusion and have enjoyed it very much. I am looking forward to some good discussions with Wes about it. Hopefully, he will again find some time to meet with our family and either have a discussion or play some games. I’m sure you all miss having him in your lives, as I do.
I am very proud of all my children and all your accomplishments. I am looking forward to having Allison live closer in the coming years. I am anticipating another grandchild who will join Kjersti’s family. I am excited to meet Elizabeth when Wesley comes in June. There is usually something to look forward to in my life. I recently put up a thought where I can see it every day: “The best is yet to come.”