Text Messaging
I heard a program on NPR about how Text Messaging has changed the way people write. The reporter went through a bunch of different abbreviations that have become common, because people have to cut it short on a text message or it takes all day to write a sentence. I see that my children, especially Danae, use some of the abbreviations they talked about on NPR. I know, for example, that LOL means "Laugh Out Loud," and OMG means "OH MY GOD!" (That one, of course, came from Allison.) But Danae, what does LMAO mean? I haven't been able to decipher that one.
Thanks in advance for the translation.
LMAO mean Laughing My Ass Off--I think that one was also probably posted by me. You know how much doctors love abreviations for things!
I am guilty of text messaging, however, I haven't really noticed much difference in my writing. I text the same way I would write an e-mail, with only one exception, sometimes I leave out the commas. Sorry mom. :( The on;y difference I have noticed to my actual writing is that on my phone I can put... after any of my words, just.. So that is my new habit. If I try and put three, it turns into this .:) And that just doesn't make any sense.
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